St. Mungo's

6 min

This was our first time working with DCX. We were impressed with their creativity and experience and have enjoyed working with the team to bring their ideas to life.
Hayley Creasey, Campaign Manager, St Mungo’s

What our client needed

Homelessness charity appeals at Christmas usually focus on the fact that homelessness is worse in winter.

St Mungo's wanted to challenge what people think.

People think homelessness always starts with drink or drugs. They think the solution is a bed for the night. And they think animal charities are more deserving than human ones.

St Mungo's wanted a campaign to change all that.

What we gave them

In order to subvert preconceptions about homelessness, we developed two campaigns.

Campaign one used real stories to show homelessness starts for many reasons. Divorce, redundancy, bereavement and abuse are things that could happen to all of us. The campaign drove home the message that wherever homelessness starts, a donation has the power to end it.

Campaign two used the insight that British people love their pets. The idea was simple. If you think it’s terrible that a dog is sleeping rough, think what’s it’s like for the owner. The ads gave the impression that we were talking about the dog, only to reveal we were actually talking about the homeless person.

Different executions detailed the appalling treatment the homeless and their dogs face. Troubles such as being set on fire, urinated on, and spat at. Again, the campaign focused on asking for a donation that could change both the lives of homeless people and their pets.

Both campaigns were rolled out on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Google Ads, giving us the chance to test and optimise effectiveness and results.

Social media was the perfect environment for St Mungo’s to highlight these heart-breaking stories. The contrast of the hard-hitting creative against people’s curated, filtered social media activity was incredibly stark and created real cut-through for the charity's message.

230% Increase in Facebook donations
£250k Raised to help end homelessness

What was the impact

The campaign results were outstanding.

  • ROI was 2.15 to 1
  • Average donations beat target by 18%
  • Facebook donations went up 230%

These campaigns were the most successful St Mungo’s Christmas appeal ever, raising over £250,000 to help end homelessness.


St. Mungo's


Retail and Leisure


Consulting and Agency